I just put up the photos I took last night at Ann’s birthday party, which the birthday girl said should resemble something like a 1980s prom. I attended two proms in the 80s, and I don’t remember seeing Robert Smith or Rick Astley at either one, but we had a great night all the same. I’ll have a full recap in the last day or two, as soon as I have time to get to it — and a few other things I’ve been meaning to mention.

I’ve been slowly going through the other pictures from the event, and I’ll post some links here soon, so you can all see what I did to re-create my high school experience. For those of you who were there, it’ll look familiar.

UPDATE, uh, much later: If you really wanna. you can find more pix here and here, from Dawn and Rachel, respectively.


  1. please, please, please post “neo-prom” pics soon

    I’ll even scan and email a few of the oldies from 1984-ish. That is, if you post your first.


  2. CLASSIC!!!! Who’s the guy on the trike? I’m assuming he was a baby in the 80’s. Boy George is a fabulous prom queen.

    I think I know how we’ll dress up for Halloween this year.


  3. Jesse owns and runs the Creative Treehouse, an arts space in Bellevue that hosted the party. He wore the footie jammies because he came to the party dressed as himself in the 1980s.

    That was the coolest thing about the party — seeing how the kids who were born in the 1980s interpreted the decade. There weren’t more than five or six people who would have remembered, and maybe just three of us who were in high school at the time. But the prom dresses and other costumes were right on…


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